
The Journey Continues

What is up in the house y'all? Today all 28 of 'em hit the road jogging east again. We've reunited out here in Ybor with our heads refreshed and our bellies satisfied thanks to the host with the most, the media champ, the real deal man: STOAGIE.

Roll Call:
B. Hill (here)
illslur (check)
Lemon Ed (present)
STLB3 (represent)
Tony Cannon (bingo)

All aboard for the newest leg of the upwardly angled quest. Next stop: The Future.
With a newly replaced water pump and repaired blackwater dump gate, the vessel is looking road worthy as ever. Huge enormous props to Stogie for providing the room and comfort of his lifestyle and abode to I for the last couple months. Thank you infinitely my man.
Till we meet again Tampa,
xoxo T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shit yes gentlemen! Keep the hype flowing. See you in Backus